

A masterpiece of words that has eluded me for years. A love that is a tapestry of emotions, intricately woven with tenderness, warmth, and unyielding devotion. Like a writer seeking the perfect expression, I have searched for ways to capture the depth of her affection, but the beauty of her adoration transcends any words I could pen. Just as a metaphor unveils hidden truths, her love revealed the depths of my worth and potential. Through her eyes, I discovered a version of myself that I had never known before — that I am worthy of love. Her presence was an embrace of a warm summer breeze, soothing and comforting, a gentle reminder that she is always there, no matter the season of life. Her touch soothed the wounds of disappointment and heartache like the gentle strokes of a pen. Her empathy flows freely like ink on a page, allowing me to express my deepest fears and insecurities. She was a mere vivid picture of adoration, an unwritten masterpiece that continues to unfold — a masterpiec

Gushing waves of the unknown

The sea, as one would deem it as a reverie — was never the thing for me. The tempestuous deep blue water along with the gushing sounds of its waves resounded nothing but fear. Much like the fear of the sea, I drown myself in ambiguity. I am a soul entangled in the clutches of an uncertain tomorrow. Within the depths of my being, fear breeds like a relentless storm, casting dark shadows upon the path ahead. Each step I take, hesitant and trembling, resonates with the echoes of unanswered questions of what the future may hold. What was once days of youthful innocence, where aspirations danced with vibrant hues and hope painted the canvas of my existence has now faded, leaving behind a desolate landscape of doubt and unease. The future, once a beacon of possibility, now looms as an enigma, shrouded in a cloak of unpredictability. Whispers of anxiety unceasingly reverberate through the corridors of my mind, weaving unending tales of what-ifs. As much as I try to escape its clutches, doubts

Urge kills as much as it fuels you

Every day I used to crave for an urge, an urge so strong I would not dare go against it. I craved of what was a fallacy all along. The third quarter was the death of a distant dream I once craved at the start of the school year. This quarter did not permit the rebirth of the 13-year-old lassie who once lived in a shell of blazing fire that continually seeks validation. It is a quarter that spoke to me to keep things that only fit in my pocket; all the keepsakes I can only bring. It armed me with the comforting touch of a mediocre I once was during the last quarter of the school year. Writing, as much as I adored it was something that I truly struggled with during this quarter. Spending time thinking about what to write rather than writing is yet again a line that conveys what this quarter was all about. Blogs kept piling up that even the other side of the hourglass is full of the sands of time. Draining may it be, I managed to let the blazing fire glow. Slowly, I emptied the checklist

Sinising ti Ilocos

Kannawidan, an Ilocano celebration, usually takes place in the last weeks of January to the first week of February. It is typically observed with a flurry of activities and the famous trade show. Typically, while Ilocanos schedule time for this celebration, tourists from various regions visit and stay. It is undoubtedly a moment to respect our cultures and traditions.   Ilocano abilities and talents, such painting and music, are frequently showcased at festivals. Since Kannawidan celebrates the establishment of the province of Ilocos Sur, it is significant to us Ilocanos. Through this festival, Ilocanos can showcase their skills and talents while paying homage to our heritage. Local businesses have the potential to be discovered at the trade and culinary expo. Aside from that, the trade fair displays the goods produced by each municipality. Kannawidan is crucial for our tourism since it draws visitors and informs them about our province. It enables families and friends to make more che

March-ing towards Inclusive Society

As the world moves ahead to mark International Women's Day, the clock on women's rights continues to tick. This month of the year, we MARCH to celebrate women's contributions to social, political, and economic change. As well as we march to remind women that the fight for gender equality is not yet won.  The month-long celebration is also an invitation to listen to women who have been suffering in silence for far too long. On International Women's Month, it is a must to let marginalized women tell their stories. Their stories speak of oppression but it does not end there. Such stories are a testament to their hard work and determination in attaining freedom, equality, and a sustainable future not only for themselves but also for their co-workers; their entire communities; the younger generation; as well as their fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons. The latter proves that the fight for gender equality should not be fought by women and girls alone. To put an end to ineq

Ciudad Fernandina's off the beaten path

For a tourist gem like Vigan, the perfect time to visit the place is known to be during the dry season, when its cobblestone streets and historic structures are at their warmest color.  But little did you know that there is another best time to visit Vigan. If you happen to be in Vigan City in the month of January, particularly during its third week, don't be too surprised when you come across the native longganisa everywhere, colorful floats, and a sea of crowds lining the streets. It's the time of the year when people flock to the city to celebrate Ciudad Fernandina's long-awaited fiesta. Every year the third week of January marks the celebration of the cityhood, made in honor of the conversion of the patron saint of the town, St. Paul the Apostle. The celebration is a week-long event that highlights the history, tradition, culture, and creativity of the Bigueños.  If you are wondering what the fiesta has to give, don't worry because I've got you covered! Below ar

Clandestine Hues

Just like that, the second quarter has come to an end. I am halfway through the calendar, yet fragments of my soul are still caged. I continue to face every day of the quarter with a heavy sigh armed with a plethora of doubts. I shed the skin I wore in the past quarter and weave a new one. I strive, still, to get out of my shell and to achieve what I am aiming for, no matter how one would deem it mediocre.  The second half felt like walking on a dark and dim path of a hallway. Setbacks are indeed inevitable, but this time I can say it's more tolerable. Codes and tags for this quarter were really enjoyable because the emphasis was more on comprehension rather than memorization. The hands-on approach was also an effective way to grasp an understanding of HTML! Being able to witness a webpage after the lengthy (sort of) process of typing and merging the codes we've learned was the spark that made me love the course. As I've gotten fonder of the subject, I'm considering tak