Greetings to the apotheosis of the Philippine government! Your Honor, it is a privilege to have the opportunity to write to you. With this, I would like to express my heartfelt commendation for your electoral victory. A victory that indicates an approval of the populist style of leadership that your predecessor has demonstrated in the previous six years. Thus, showing once again that one can rely on decades of misinformation and flawed revisions of history rooted in brazen, wicked mendacity.
Mr. President, it appears that your "comeback narrative" was effective, as many of your supporters believed it was more like a thrilling soap opera plotline than a distorted version of reality. The country was unfortunate that it was outnumbered by morally bankrupt individuals who openly trust their future on you, a man of poor moral character and heir of corrupt wealth. Despite that, to live for the hope of it all is something your countryman would most likely do. Therefore, I am writing this letter in pursuit of urging your eminence to respond to the difficulties and concerns of your people.
At this time being, our pockets are shrinking. Galloping inflation, stagnation, and the destruction of our economy threaten to be the waterloo of our country. Most, if not all, of us, are striving every day to make ends meet by drawing from our shallow pockets. Given the way things are going, we fear that the world may be heading into a recession as the price of essential goods and commodities skyrocketed to 6.9%, the highest level in four years. Along with these aforementioned, the biggest problem your people are concerned with is the intersection of the climate, economic, political, and ideological crisis — the genesis of a global social hurricane, which we are facing today.
Notwithstanding all the odds, we continue to hold out hope that you have the authority to make changes, mainly for the impoverished and powerless, nasa laylayan ng lipunan. I hope we, your people, won't witness the next six years of your presidency unfold in absolute horror of fascist state thuggery, of lies as alternate truth, and of another history being rewritten as a fable. Along with that, may your presidency be prosperous for the only reason that it denotes the prosperity of the Filipino people.This is now a plea for you, Your Excellency, to take a stand and dissociate yourself from the dictatorial, divisive, and destructive tactics of your predecessor — to make things right, to have a better government, to revive and prosper the true democracy, and to let the stifling dissent ends with your predecessor.
Global Daily Mirror (2022). Security plans for BBM inauguration 'all systems go' [Photograph] https://globaldailymirror.com/Web/full_article/security-plans-for-bbm-inauguration-all-systems-go-22600
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