Four months in, it was a day under scorching summer sun like the usual ones, but as I stepped my way to its gates, splattering sounds of cooking oil, aromas of the savory and dainty crescent-shaped Empanada, echoes of the speakers reverberating, and the crowded-chaotic ambiance filled the corner — and so there it was, one of the long-awaited school events every student longed for unfolded.
As the clock struck 10:00 in the morning of December 2, ribbons were cut, and the festivities have begun! What awaits the vast area of the bazaar is the vigorous young entrepreneurs with booths varying from different flavors of Cuisines, Technologies, Agriculture, Beauty Care, and Local Tourism. From the name itself, the bazaar is anchored with the initiative and aims to fuel the entrepreneurial spirit of the young students in thriving success, merging all passions into one event.

There is no better way to enjoy the bustling bazaar than with a belly full of good food. As soon as we walked past the entrance, I went to check the Cookery Booths teemed with delicious and affordable food options that are perfect for breaks. I tried the freshly-cooked Empanada filled with juicy meat and vegetables that perfectly melts into the mouth along with its steaming crispy crust. It was merely "Empanada" to some, but it is a comfort food at its finest, meticulously crafted with the love and fervidness of the young Entrepreneurs.

Delighted as I was, I diverted my gaze upon different booths to try something fun and new. A few meters away from the Food fair is the Dressmaking Booth which almost persuades me to fork out a few pesos in my pocket. The booth features an extensive collection of great bargains, along with quality pieces and brands of clothes, making the bazaar a degustation of the finest fashion find. Dresses, shirts, and any other custom apparel are found in the booth which Fashionistas from the school will definitely rock.
In spite of the hectic ambiance created by the Bazaar, I pondered as I walked through every booth. The initiative led me to think about the significance of growth, willingness to learn, and having the urge to face tomorrow as we are nearing age. It opened my eyes to the importance of embracing and developing one's abilities, talent, and vigor for success because after all, being a successful Entrepreneur is not just a simple walk across the bazaar.
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